3d Printing News — Large Scale 3D Printing - Cosine

Cosine Additive

Software Updates


In order for our industrial 3D printers to work properly, we need to make sure they are in the best shape that they can possibly be. We do this by adding all the necessary minor updates every week and major updates every month.

Recently, we’ve added several software updates that greatly improve the printer’s performance.

EXTRUSION MULTIPLIERS - We can have different extrusion multipliers for the outer perimeter, the inner perimeter, the infill, the solid infill, and the support. This is a level of control we are currently unable to achieve by using a slicer alone. This gives our printers a significant improvement in print speed and quality.


PRINT RECOVERY - we added a print recovery feature. This will allow us to recover a print if it fails in the middle of the process so we don’t lose the print. By not having to restart a failed print, you save a lot of time, effort, as well as material.


DEVIATION - we now have the ability to change the deviation for different sections of a print. For example, we can increase the deviation for just the infill, which will round the corners. By rounding the corners of just the infill section, we are able to dramatically increase the print speed of the overall print, without sacrificing the quality of the print.


Contact us to receive our monthly newsletters and stay up to date with our software updates and custom 3D printing parts!

Material Validation

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Cosine is proud to validate materials in house with the AM1, expanding our Materials Database. By using our Pellet Feed System, we test materials with the AM1 for our customers interested in printing with us. With testing, we find the optimal settings for different kind of materials to print for future use.

At RAPID 2018, we will showcase the AM1 and already tested materials, so stop by to see us at booth 1030.

Contact us to test your material with the AM1 today!

March Newsletter


Mark Your Calendars

Don't forget that the RAPID + tct show at Fort Worth is coming up! We'll be showcasing 3 of our machines along with our many other parts at booth 1030, so mark your calendars for April 24-26, 2018. Contact us to find out how to attend!


Unveiling Something Big


We are so excited to be going to the RAPID + tct show! Cosine wants to share with you our newest and updated upgrades along unveiling something big! Keep looking for clues on what we could be revealing.


Attend RAPID for Free


You could attend RAPID + tct show for free! Contact us and we will provide you with the means to sign up at no cost. Spots are filling up fast, so hurry and claim your spot!

January 2018 Newsletter



What to Expect for 2018

Cosine plans to move forward this year continuing on from last year of 2017. Expect new updates to the software of the AM1, along with continuing R&D projects. Learn more on our blog.

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It's a new year, and we are starting off right as we install our first machine of 2018. University of St. Thomas-Houston will be receiving an AM1 just in time for the spring semester!  Learn more here.


Exciting News at RAPID

Mark your calendars for April 24-26 of 2018. Cosine will be revealing some exciting news at RAPID 2018 in Fort Worth, TX. Look for new hints each month on what we could be revealing!

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December Newsletter

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2017 Review

The year 2017 is coming to a close and Cosine has done so much. Read more about all the developments and updates, such as our development of the Pellet Feed System and the addition of the Materials Database.  

Come see us at RAPID!

Mark your calendars for April 24-26 in 2018. Cosine has officially signed up to be at RAPID 2018 happening in Fort Worth, TX. Learn more on how to attend and see us at booth 1030.

Alliant Castings Approval

Click the video to hear directly from one of our clients, Alliant Castings,on how our AM1 changed their industry. To experience Cosine's great customer service, contact us to start your project today!

2017 Review


Cosine has reached great accomplishments in 2017






  • Hurricane Harvey brought the city of Houston together


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Customer Testimonial: Alliant Castings

"Best service out of any 3D printer that I have ever experienced." - Kevin Kauphusman, Pattern Castings, Alliant Castings

Alliant Castings has already run their Cosine AM1 for over 8,000 hours. Hear directly from one of our customers how 3D printing with the AM1 has changed the game in the casting industry.

Learn more about how the Cosine AM1 can help your business


Contact us today

November Newsletter


Material Testing Additions

We are always testing new materials to find the optimal settings to add to our Materials Database. See which material could suit your project today!

Printing PEEK at $19/lb

After thorough testing, Cosine is now able to print with PEEK at $19/lb with our Pellet Feed System. Learn more about PEEK and how this material can benefit your project.

ULTEM at $17/lb

Introducing ULTEM, an exciting new addition to our Materials Database. You can print this material with our Pellet Feed System at $17/hr. Learn more about how to choose ULTEM  for your project here. 


Printing with PEEK

PEEK is a colorless, high-performing engineering plastic known to withstand harsh chemicals and high temperatures. With the capability of keeping form at temperatures up to 330°F, PEEK has been a top choice of materials used for aerospace, oil and gas, automotive, and many more.

After thorough testing, Cosine can now print with PEEK at $19/lb with our Pellet Feed System, providing yet another great material to add to the hundreds of those in our Materials Database.

Print a part with us
contact us to start collaborating today


Printing ULTEM

ULTEM is a polymer with outstanding strength that is heat and flame resistant. ULTEM's astonishing durability and remarkable thermal and chemical stability, makes ULTEM one of the top materials used in automotive, aerospace, and medical industries.

Printing parts with these properties are now possible with Cosine Additive. After thorough testing, Cosine can now print with ULTEM at $17/lb with our Pellet Feed system, proudly adding another great material to our Materials Database.

Print a part with us
contact us to start collaborating today

Adding More With Material Testing

Our pellet feed extruder and high heat enclosed chamber allows a wider range in material printability. With our open materials philosophy, we now have over 500 materials logged into our Materials Database and growing. Customers have the best optimal settings for different materials, resulting in the ideal print and application specifically for the AM1

Start testing your unique material with us today!

October Newsletter

AM1 YouTube Tutorials

Need a little help with operating your AM1: Want to learn a little more about 3D printing? We are here to help. Visit Cosine's YouTube Page to see all our new Step-by-Step AM1 Tutorial videos. More tutorials are on the way so stay tuned on our YouTube Page



Materials At Your Fingertips

Who has time to remember every material and its settings? Our Material Database does the work for you by saving every material and the material's settings ever used with the AM1. Learn more here.


R&D Success For UW-Madison

See how we fuel success by working together with other companies with the University of Wisconsin-Madison on their latest development. Start your project today to see where success will take you!

Cosine's Materials Database

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Our Materials Database is an accumulation of materials used with our AM1. Each material has a profile indicating the associated settings and recommendations, creating a catalog of hundreds of materials for our customers. The database has our known suppliers, vendors, and resins for our users to choose from. In the Cosine Dashboard, we offer an opportunity to send feedback to help the software team improve the database for a better experience.
Contact us today to start using our Materials Database with your AM1!

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