About Cosine
In 2014, Andrew McCallip and Jason Miller founded Cosine Additive in Houston, TX. After years of business, our founders noticed a problem within the additive manufacturing industry. Test prints were only used on subpar, expensive, or homemade machines during that time. Using 20+ years worth of experience combined, the two founded Cosine Additive to provide a solution. They sought to make the industry’s first industrial scale additive manufacturing platform. Thus, the Additive Machine 1 (AM1) was invented.
Since then, Cosine has added and developed numerous improvements to the AM1, continuously working and experimenting to find new additions to make the AM1 even better for your 3D printing needs. We manufacture our large 3D printer according to your wants and needs, and offer printing services for those who don't need to buy a whole machine.
Cosine focuses on providing large-scale 3D printing services to local individuals and businesses as well as building custom-made 3D printers. We supply local businesses and individuals with custom made models and parts. We have supplied to industrial markets with 3D printed tools and parts and even catered to the cosplay market for creating unique designs for costumes and props. Through all of these local markets, we strive to give our customers the ultimate satisfaction with every single print and printer we make.
Jason Miller
Co-Founder and CEO
Andrew McCalip
Co-Founder and CTO
Colby Cupit
Director of Software
Jacob Jacobson
Director of Technical Support and
Customer Service